United Evangelical Lutheran Dr. Martin Luther Church
Every dollar we spend is a gift. Our ministries, programs, facility and staff can only operate through the generous recurring gifts of members and friends. Some ways to give include:
IN PERSON: Bring your offering to church with you when you come to worship or drop it by the office during the week.
BY MAIL: Send it to the church at P.O. Box 26, Shiner, TX 77984.
TEXT: Text an amount to 1-844-697-3838 and put it on your credit or debit card.
APP: Download VANCO Mobile App from the App Store or Google Play. Find our church (United Dr. Martin Luther Church) and set up your donation.
ONLINE: Go to our electronic giving service (VANCO) and set up a direct draft from your bank or credit card, which allows one time or recurrent giving to all our funds. This is recorded just like in-person contributions towards your giving statement and is managed by you. Click the button below to set up your VANCO Payments.
Thrivent Financial members may be eligible to donate Thrivent Choice Dollars to our congregation.
Contact Us:
Church Office:
1103 North Avenue B
Shiner, TX 77984
Phone: 361-594-2345
Email: shinerudml@att.net
*Please leave a message or email, as the office is staffed on a part-time basis.
*In a pastoral emergency: Text or Call Pastor Chris Heinold directly at 830-203-2906 or email him directly at rev.heinold@gmail.com.
Website and Social Media:
We use a communication tool called Flocknote to contact members and friends through email and/or texting. Members receive a text telling what group in the church will be contacting them, followed by a text from that particular group. Joining the main group "Shiner Lutheran Church" by providing your email and texting number enables you to receive the Weekly Connections news and other communications. Participation in groups such as GIFT will add you to that group list which then can message you through email or text with information and updates specific to that area. Replies to messages can be sent directly through Flocknote. Opinion polls and signups can also be shared through the Flocknote tool. We try to stay electronically connected with specific information you can use.